PPC Services

Pay only when they click. Grow your business.

Entreex UK PPC experts craft targeted campaigns that reach the right audience, driving clicks and conversions across major search platforms. We leverage data and analytics to optimize every step, ensuring your investment delivers real results.

Make Winning Decisions for Your Brand with PPC Advertising

Don’t settle for guesswork when it comes to your brand’s online presence. Entreex’s expert PPC Services team crafts targeted campaigns that reach the right audience, driving clicks and conversions. We leverage data and analytics to optimize every step, ensuring maximum return on your investment.

Explore how Entreex can elevate your online presence and make winning PPC decisions for your brand – visit our Digital Marketing Services page for a deeper dive.

Types of PPC

PPC goes beyond a single click. It’s a toolbox of possibilities. Let’s explore the diverse facets of PPC management services:

Search Advertising

Target high-intent searchers. Search Ads put your brand at the top of search results when users look for what you offer. Entreex helps you win those clicks.

Display Advertising

Grab attention everywhere. Display Ads showcase your brand across websites, reaching a wider audience. We gets you seen.

Social Media Advertising

Laser focus on your ideal audience. Social Media Ads target specific users on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Entreex connects you with the right people.

Remarketing Ads

Second chances for conversions. Remarketing Ads reconnect with website visitors, reminding them of your brand.

Google Shopping Ads

Showcase products instantly. Google Shopping Ads display your products with pictures and prices directly in search results. Entreex simplifies online shopping for customers.

In-stream Ads

Capture attention mid-stream. In-stream Ads place your video message directly within relevant video content. Entreex helps you stand out.

Best PPC Ad Networks

The world of PPC advertising boasts a vast array of networks, each with its own strengths and target audiences. But with so many options, selecting the right one can feel overwhelming. Fear not, Entreex is here to guide you!

Google Ads

Dominate searches. Google Ads puts your brand in front of millions actively looking for what you offer. Entreex gets you the clicks.

Microsoft Ads

Target B2B & Local. Microsoft Ads reaches business buyers and local audiences.

Yahoo Gemini

Don't miss out on mobile users! Yahoo Gemini lets you reach a massive audience actively searching on Yahoo and browsing mobile apps.


Connect with the right people at the right time. Facebook Ads allows hyper-targeted campaigns based on demographics and online behavior.


Spark Real-Time Conversations: Twitter Ads reach engaged audiences in the moment.


Capture Attention Mid-Roll: YouTube Ads place your video message directly within relevant video content.

Stop Guessing, Start Winning with Entreex PPC

Our Google Ads experts craft targeted campaigns that reach the right audience, driving clicks and conversions across major search platforms. We leverage data and analytics to optimize every step, ensuring your investment delivers real results.

See how Entreex elevates your online presence:

  • Award-winning Expertise: Our team creates high-performing campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube & Microsoft Ads.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: We constantly refine your campaigns for maximum return on investment.
  • Targeted Reach: We connect you with your ideal customers, wherever they are online.

Ready to unlock the power of PPC advertising? Contact Entreex today for best PPC Prices in UK and learn how we can help you achieve your online marketing goals.